Appendix 6: MEW Topic: Combatting emotional distress associated with People and the Environment (Socially deprived areas)

Appendix 6: MEW Topic: Combatting emotional distress associated with People and the Environment (Socially deprived areas)

Hazardous Conditions at Work


Evidence Base:

Quality of Housing


Evidence Base:

Social isolation



Evidence Base:

Penwell LM, Larkin KT (2010) Social support and risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer: A qualitative review examining the role of inflammatory processes. Health Psychol Rev 4(1):42–55

Yang YC, McClintock MK, Kozloski M, Li T (2013) Social isolation and adult mortality: The role of chronic inflammation and sex differences. J Health Soc Behav 54(2):183–203

Cacioppo JT, Hawkley LC (2003) Social isolation and health, with an emphasis on underlying mechanisms. Perspect Biol Med 46(Suppl 3): S39–S52

This is an educative website to help develop strategies for improving mental wellbeing. If you are currently experiencing emotional distress and you have a history of experiencing mental health challenges you are strongly advised to contact your general practitioner /doctor.