Contact Details
Contact Details
You can find below the contact details of the partnership:
- Address : 42, Rue Charles Quint – 59100 – Roubaix, France
- Tel: +33 (0)3 20 11 22 68
- Website : https://adice.asso.fr/
- E-mail: adice@adice.asso.fr
Animam Viventem
- Address : Rua do Poço Novo 85, 1º, 2750-467 Cascais
- Tel: +351 910130952
- Website : http://vidamaisviva.com/
- E-mail: animam.viventem@gmail.com
CCW-Training Academy
- Address: 5-7 Museum Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BD
- Tel: +44 (0) 29 21 156 603
- Website: http://www.CareerChangeWales.co.uk
- Email: Info@CareerChangeWales.co.uk
- Address: Via Roma, 94 – 90133 – Palermo, Italia
- Tel: +39 0916164224 / Fax: +39 0915640816
- Website: http://cesie.org/
- E-mail: info@cesie.org
University of Gloucestershire
- Address: University of Gloucestershire School of Health and Social Care, Oxstalls Lane, Longlevens, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL2 9HW
- Tel: +44 (0) 1242 714 700
- Website: https://www.glos.ac.uk/
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