Our Project
Find out about our project below. Check out who the partners are, why the project has been created and what the aims and objectives are!
Project Title – ‘Our MEW’ (Mental and Emotional Wellbeing)
Partners: CCW-Training Academy (Lead), CESIE, University of Gloucestershire, ADICE, and Animam Viventem
Who is it for – young people (aged 16-25), Adult Education [more information in “target group” section]
What – a programme of topics that can help to raise awareness, have an understanding and improve people’s perception of mental and emotional wellbeing. This informal training will be led by CCW and our partners. This can be via an online training portal. It will give people a more constructive and positive way of how we can gain an understanding of strategies which will help them deal with the stresses and pressures of everyday life and of stressful situations. There are a high number of factors that could contribute to the mental wellbeing of youth; i.e. family, friends, relationships, history, bullying, pressure (too much work, employers’ contribution), job loss (short or long term), location (where you live or work), etc. All of these could lead to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, stress, depression and anxiety. These factors were considered when training was designed.
The following topics will form the modules;
- Communication/ respect: active listening, questioning
- Confidence and self-esteem
- Assertiveness
- Problem solving and decision-making
- Relaxation techniques
- People and environment (Socially deprived areas)
This training will help to improve participant’s self-esteem, confidence and assertiveness, teach them the methods of relaxation and coping with difficult and stressful situations. Participants will improve their communication skills, which will benefit their relationships on a personal and professional level.
Why – because according to many reports, young people admitted experiencing mental health problems at a higher level than other age group (evidence supported https://tinyurl.com/y3nauys2), yet they are less likely to receive mental health treatment (evidence supported https://tinyurl.com/ydd8pse2). This issue has also an indirect impact on family members, friends, etc., affecting an even larger part of the population (evidence supported https://tinyurl.com/y3nauys2). Unresolved mental health problems may have lasting negative impact in terms of employment, relationships, likelihood of disability and it is important to break the circle of mental illness (evidence supported https://tinyurl.com/ydd8pse2). The time from childhood to adulthood is a sensitive period at which help is often needed, but services are not always sufficient (evidence supported https://tinyurl.com/yxm7nyko). Young people suggested the voluntary sector was an area where they looked for responsive and welcoming services (evidence supported https://tinyurl.com/yxm7nyko). Thus, it is important to ensure that these services operate effectively.
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