Videos and Best Practice – Confidence and Assertiveness

Here you can find the research that has been undertaken by the partnership along with useful videos and the best practice for self confidence and assertiveness!


Best Practice

RISE – Rapid Improvement of Self-Esteem [Mobile App]


Thematic area: Promotion of Self-Esteem Country: Monaco



The objective of RISE® is to increase self-esteem by promoting digital daily activities (3 to 8 minutes per day) based on Emotional Intelligence principles.


Mobile App – 3 to 8 minutes per day

Methodologies and Tools


The methodology is developed by Dr. Sam Nassif and consists of:

  1. Start by evaluating the person’s Self-Esteem.
  2. Make the person listen to audio sessions.
  3. Invite the person to do good actions and keep track of the progress by using the RISE mobile app workbook. It presents daily results and the person can also write some notes in his RISE personal journal.
  4. Besides this Basis features, the app as a community forum, scientific papers and the possibility to have coaching session with the Dr. Sam Nassif.
Impact & Outcomes:

Attractiveness of the methodology for youth and adults.

Low requirement of time and has simple instructions, being portable.

Possibility to communicate with other members and have professional sessions through the app.


The premium version is paid

Useful information:

UN-HU (Game)


Thematic area: Promotion of Socioemotional Competences Country: Portugal



To promote Socio-Emotional Skills and Global Citizenship, from 5 to 105 years and implemented in the form of gambling with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 30 players!


The game allows the facilitator to work four dimensions with four different decks: Me (Self-knowledge, Self-Regulation, Self-Determination)

Me and the Others (Empathy, Conflict Management, Communication)

Me and the Community, (Health and Well-being, Critical Thinking and Economies of the Future)

Me and the world. (Citizenship, Regenerative Development and Political Philosophy).

Methodology  & tools:

Each deck contains: Question Cards

Group Dynamics Charts

Cards of Principles (for example, safe environment) Role Charts

Manual and Answer Sheet

Each participant chooses a question or a group dynamic and everyone has to answer. There is no winner or loser, it is just infinite sharing and learning from each other!

The game is inspired in the philosophy Unhu or Ubuntu, whose fundamental proposition is that “I am because you are” or “I exist because we exist” characterised by humility, kindness, kindness, cordiality, empathy, understanding, respect, friendship, responsibility and consideration, which manifest themselves at heudinally and behaviourally in their relationship with each other.

Impact and Outcomes

The activities gather scientific approaches of Positive Psychology, Circle Conversations, Restorative Practices, Multiple Intelligences and Emotional Intelligence and the structure is based on the Ecological Theory of Human Development. All the research is done in partnership with a University!

Each deck gives the facilitator content to create one-year program.

It enables a high number of participants and gives a lot of freedom to the facilitator to adapt to the group. They give a lot of training open to professionals regarding the use of gamification to work transversal soft skills.


The activities gather scientific approaches of Positive Psychology, Circle Conversations, Restorative Practices, Multiple Intelligences and Emotional Intelligence and the structure is based on the Ecological Theory of Human Development. All the research is done in partnership with a University!

Each deck gives the facilitator content to create one-year program.

It enables a high number of participants and gives a lot of freedom to the facilitator to adapt to the group.

They give a lot of training open to professionals regarding the use of gamification to work transversal soft skills.

The cards are not digital, but limited edition and it is expensive. Only in PT language.

Useful information:


The Assertiveness Game (BoardGame)


Thematic area: Promotion of Assertiveness Country: United Kingdom


  • To recognise the differences between assertive, non-assertive, passive- aggressive and aggressive behaviours.
  • To understand reasons behind aggressive behaviour.
  • To discuss and agree on the benefits of assertiveness.
  • To learn and practise the language of assertive behaviour.
  • To recognise when is it appropriate to be assertive.
  • To improve assertive behaviour and self-esteem.


The game compiles:

  • Trainer’s Notes
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Game Board
  • Set of 30 Cards
  • Two dice & playing pieces Handouts
  • Questionnaire
Methodology  & tools:

Table-top boards provide a structure for teams to take it in turns to pick up three different types of card:

  • What people say: teams share views and decide whether quotes taken from workplace situations are assertive, non-assertive, passive-aggressive or aggressive.
  • Awareness: a variety of issues to test knowledge and understanding of the topic.
  • At work: a series of typical situations that occur at work. How would teams react?

All responses are noted on special handouts, for reference at the Debrief. In just 60 minutes a wide range of assertiveness issues are presented for groups to consider, exchange ideas and build understanding.

Impact & Outcomes:


High level of engagement;

Works several type of situations that can be transferred to the daily life of the participants;


It requires at least 4 people. It is expensive.


 “The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

This is an educative website to help develop strategies for improving mental wellbeing. If you are currently experiencing emotional distress and you have a history of experiencing mental health challenges you are strongly advised to contact your general practitioner /doctor.